HAVEN Project at the 3rd Scientific Meeting Of Mondragon University On Battery-based Energy Storage Systems

HAVEN’s partner IKERLAN will present a poster showcasing our latest advancements. The Mondragon University (Spain) Storage Systems research group, with its long history in the field of energy storage, maintains close partnerships with companies, universities, and technology centres in the sector.

Energy storage has earned significant interest due to its potential applications in electric mobility, stationary systems, and consumer electronics. Both private companies and public institutions consider energy storage one of their fundamental objectives.

Despite significant progress in recent years, today’s batteries still have considerable room for improvement in several areas. Researchers are striving to develop battery technologies that are more energy-dense, reliable, sustainable, and cost-effective. While solid-state batteries are a promising technology on the horizon, lithium-ion batteries remain our primary option for now.

This year’s third edition of the scientific meeting will focus on the management of lithium batteries. Discussions will center on maximizing the performance of current technology, minimizing degradation, and optimizing usage. Topics to be addressed include advanced system modelling for Battery Management Systems (BMS), optimal controls at the cell level, battery status estimation, and optimal control strategies for battery packs.

Although the event will be held face-to-face, it will also be broadcast live.

20 June 2024, 9:00-16:30 (UTC+2) Campus Galarreta de Mondragon Unibertsitatea (Hernani, Guipúzcoa) or ONLINE

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